History and Systems of Psychology 8th Edition

James F. Brennan - Keith A. Houde

History and Systems of Psychology provides an engaging introduction to the rich story of psychology's past. Retaining its trademark clarity and accessibility, the Eighth Edition also features expanded coverage of non-western traditions in psychology as well as added coverage of nineteenth-century advances in philosophy and science. The emergence of applications of psychology in clinical, educational, neuroscientific, and social settings are further emphasized within the twenty-first-century landscape of psychology as a cognitive and a positive science.

Assuming little prerequisite knowledge, the authors discuss the people, places, and concepts that have shaped psychology's story, and show that we remain fascinated and perplexed by the same enduring questions that confronted our ancestors – namely, our wonder at our subjectivity and consciousness of self. The Eighth Edition is supported by rich online resources including a manual, test bank, and lecture slides for instructors, and study guides and links to primary source literature for students.

Published: November 17, 2022
Title: History and Systems of Psychology
Author: James F. Brennan - Keith A. Houde
Edition: 8
ISBN: 9781009051071
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Language: English
Formats: PDF | ePub


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