Overwatch: Declassified – An Official History

Seanan McGuire

In partnership with Blizzard Entertainment, New YorkTimes-bestselling, award-winning author Seanan McGuire pens the first-everhistory of Overwatch, from its founding in the Omnic Crisis to its fall andreformation!

Soldiers. Scientists. Adventurers. Oddities. During the OmnicCrisis, the people of our world were scattered, devastated . . . but heroesfrom around the globe answered the call. Overwatch offered a beacon of hope toweary survivors looking to reclaim and rebuild our war-torn world. After theCrisis had abated, their role expanded to help humanity solve some of theplanet’s most dire problems and usher in a new age of hope and prosperity. Andyet, just as Overwatch hit its prime, it fell victim to its own power, and wasdisbanded. But years later, amidst a rising tide of injustice, the heroes ofOverwatch stand strong, ready to fight for a better tomorrow.

Now fans can trace the history of Overwatch in thiscomprehensive volume, packed with declassified mission briefings, splashartwork, weapon schematics, and more. All new lore developed by NewYork Times-bestselling, award-winning author Seanan McGuire in partnershipwith Blizzard Entertainment threads together the story of Overwatch across itsmany comics, stories, cinematics, and game missions. Don’t miss this must-have,collectible read for Overwatch fans both old and new.

Published: November 07, 2023
Title: Overwatch: Declassified - An Official History
Author: Seanan McGuire
ISBN: 9781956916492
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, LLC
Language: English
Formats: ePub


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