
Why Some People Have It—and Others Don't

Jeffrey Pfeffer

“Pfeffer [blends] academic rigor and practical genius into wonderfully readable text. The leading thinker on the topic of power, Pfeffer here distills his wisdom into an indispensable guide.”
—Jim Collins, author of New York Times bestselling author Good to Great and How the Mighty Fall

Some people have it, and others don’t—Jeffrey Pfeffer explores why in Power. One of the greatest minds in management theory and author or co-author of thirteen books, including the seminal business school text Managing With Power, Pfeffer shows readers how to succeed and wield power in the real world.

Published: September 14, 2010
Title: Power
Author: Jeffrey Pfeffer
ISBN: 9780062010612
Publisher: HarperCollins
Language: English
Formats: ePub


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