Psychology in Your Life 4th Edition

Sarah Grison - Michael Gazzaniga

Psychology in Your Life, Fourth Edition, provides instructors and students with new research-based, inclusive solutions to today's teaching challenges. A new IMPACT learning scaffold guides students on how to best learn and retain course material and new content addresses diversity both historically and in the field today.

The content, pedagogy, and digital tools reflect the new learning outcomes and themes of the APA IPI. InQuizitive evidence-based assessment helps students build their comprehension of core concepts, while new Testmaker helps instructors create customized, outcome-driven summative assessments. A new interactive 3D brain, new interactive neuron animations, and new ZAPS 3.0 interactive labs make the psychological concepts interactive and accessible for students.

Published: July 01, 2022
Title: Psychology in Your Life
Author: Sarah Grison - Michael Gazzaniga
Edition: 4
ISBN: 9780393877304
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Language: English
Formats: ePub


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