Sustainability: All That Matters

Chris Goodall

Building a sustainable society is perhaps the greatest test that the world has ever faced. Prosperity has been created by ruthless and ill-disciplined mining of the world's resources, compounded by a cavalier disregard for the implications of pollution from industrial and agricultural processes. Today's generation has borrowed from the future by grabbing prosperity now and imposing the cost on the next generation.

In this startling and informative book, which will appeal to both students and general readers, award-winning writer Chris Goodall provides a coherent new explanation of what sustainability actually is. Goodall then goes onto explore nine key sustainability challenges, applying the theory of sustainability to look at food, travel, clothing, electricity, heating and cooling, paper and cardboard, construction, consumer electronics, and air travel.

Published: November 30, 2012
Title: Sustainability: All That Matters
Author: Chris Goodall
ISBN: 9781444174427
Publisher: John Murray Press
Language: English
Formats: ePub


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