The Art of Music Production 4th Edition

The Theory and Practice

Richard James Burgess

The Art of Music Production is the first book to comprehensively analyze and describe the role of the music producer in creating successful music recordings. Now in its fourth edition, it is the definitive guide to the art and business of music production.Author and producer Richard James Burgess distills this complex field by defining the distinct roles of a music producer.

The first part of the book outlines the underlying theory of the art of music production. The second focuses on the job's practical aspects, including training, getting into the business, and--most importantly--the musical, financial, and interpersonal relationships producers have with artists and their labels.

The book is packed with insights from successful music producers, ranging from the beginnings of recorded sound to today's chart-toppers and across genre lines. It features many revealing anecdotes, encompassing both the daily and overarching career-related challenges that a producer faces. Burgess addresses the changes in the nature of music production brought about by technology and, in particular, the millennial shift that has occurred with digital recording and distribution.

His lifelong experience in the recording industry as a studio musician, artist, composer, producer, manager, and marketer, combined with his extensive academic research in the field, brings a unique breadth and depth of understanding to the topic.

Published: August 01, 2013
Title: The Art of Music Production
Author: Richard James Burgess
Edition: 4
ISBN: 9780199359325
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Language: English
Formats: PDF | ePub


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